PRE-RELEASE VERSION aaaʔbcdeeeghiiikmnoooprshtuuuwxn naxbícidawaacuN sheepberry naxbíduuxiN leather dress naxbiʔirúbubiN hide scraper naxdaʔiicíiheV to pound fine náxduaV to chew on náxiaQUAN much, not too naxóogiV 1to paddle 2to row naxpíV to knock down from a high place naxtíV crush náxubiV to drink it all up náxugiV to suck up náʔaruwicV flying, it is néeV 1to exit 2to go 3to leave néecceeV to use up néedaN 1edge (the) 2entrance to something néehaQUAN 1no 2none Néehac.PH 1There are none. 2No. néeshaN 1no, none 2noon Néeshac.PH not Néeshagaadic.PH That is impossible. neesháhgee1V to forbid 2V to disagree 3V to disapprove 4to disallow néeshiN tongue néexiV to be bright, light- colored, clear néhbaN navel néʔexiV to be clear (in color) Page 8 of 16<1 ...3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 >