MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



nóhshiN food chewed but yet swallowed
noodáN side, this
nóodishgaN 1windpipe 2throat 3ghost
noogaraaxiN 1spirit 2skeleton (animated)
noogaráxadiN 1place of the dead 2spirit house
nóogareʔagugigáwara1N go-between 2N intermediary
noogaréʔaguʔagéʔN messenger
noogareʔgaráceeV to be naive
noogareʔrúshbiaV to slander
nóogciN 1parasol 2shade 3umbrella
noogdéN corpse
nóoguʔashdiV to be irritable
nóoroobaN jaw
núagshaN 1male animal 2bull 3stallion
núbagiV to scatter something
nubákaV to be scattered
nubíaV 1to shred 2to tear cloth to strips
núbubiV to stretch something
núbuciV to split a seam
núcaaV to crumble something
núcadaaV to squash something
núcaraaV to unravel something
núcarua1V to pull 2to drag
nucgáN twins
núcgaadi1V to pick up 2to be barely touching