nadahxíV 1to gnaw on 2to eat meat from the bone
nadgáabiwaaʔidúN Owl Dance Society song
nagáarudiN knot, slip
nagábciV to cut up in small pieces
nagabíV to select
nagabíhxeʔiaN 1poncho 2slicker
nagabíhxiV 1to float 2to flutter 3to flap 4to rise
nagabúhshiV 1to swell 2to puff up 3to inflate
nagadáhdiV 1to be rocking 2to cause something to shake 3to be shaky 4to be unjustifiable 5to be unstable
nagadáraaV 1to vibrate 2to be vibrating 3to be shaking
nagadárahgeV to gallop
nagadía1V to smooth 2stretched 3V to stretch