MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



náariV 1to pack up and leave 2to leave 3to move away
náaruN thigh (inner)
náashiN name
náashihiriV to give someone a name
náatiruN flank, thigh
náawiNUM three
náawica1NUM three 2QUAN all
náaxuN lungs
naaxugéeraxbiN saddle blanket
náaxukeeN saddle
naaxúkerrceV to ride back
naaxukeʔáhduN pommel (of a saddle)
náaxuwiri wáʔshiN 1pleurisy 2inflammation of the lungs
nábeeV to tear with the teeth
nabíduucgaN gnats
nácagihishaV 1to suck on 2to chew on
nácgaadiV to squirt out
nacgabíV to nibble
nacgíbiV 1to slice 2to pare
nacgíidiV clip off
nácgohbaN 1hips 2pelvis
nacgóhbaʔaruhiruN hip bone
nácibiV to lick
nackiN quillwork
nácoobiV smack the lips