MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



iráagaraxuteN miscarriage
iráakeeV to adopt someone
iráaxiN 1spirit 2soul 3ghost
iráaxigiispirit came back, the
iráaxixiN shadow
irabá1right hand 2to the right
irabáguN right hand
irábareʔeV 1to be wild 2to be untamed
iragíiʔishiaV 1to be empty (as if people were driven away) 2to be barren (as if people were driven away)
iragógareN part (in the hair)
irágshibhaasheV to exaggerate
iragúaN friend (a man's male friend)
iraháguV to be alive, living
iraháguV to live
iráhbiV to jab
írashaadiV 1to promise 2to swear
iráshbaN shoulder
iráshbaxahgeeV to shrug the shoulders
iraxúgareN tuberculosis
iréeN buffalo fall
iréhdiV to be talkative
iréʔdaV to be mute
iréʔdahdaV 1to stammer 2to stutter
iréʔeV 1to talk 2to speak
iréʔgshaN 1informer 2tattletale