PRE-RELEASE VERSION aaaʔbcdeeeghiiikmnoooprshtuuuwxi idawaaʔáagashiN portrait, photo idawaaʔáhuV to be rich idawaʔéeN property idawaʔigúahe ~ idawaaʔógadaV 1to dress 2to get dressed idawíaN boy's older sister idaxpéV to make someone nervous ídaxpeV 1to rush someone 2to hurry someone ídaʔAFF 1hers 2his 3its Idaʔíiwashirashaadic.PH He/She made an offer. ídaʔóoridaN unripe corn idhíruN forearm bone idíhpuN hill idúN song idubáaN wildcat idubáabuushiN bobcat idubáashibishaN panther idudákaN man's mother-in-law idúdiN son-in-law idúhdaPPP forward idúuN 1woman's sister-in-law 2husband's sister 3mother's brother's wife (female) idúuriN pus idúuxiN 1shirt, jacket, dress 2sweater 3shirt idúuxi-báruwiN skirt idúuxi-hácgiN dress idúuxihdiaN 1jacket 2coat Page 5 of 15<1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 >