MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



ítiruwacaN bracelet
itúugaN daughter-in-law
iwághiruN sternum
iwágshiriN thrush (bird)
íwareeV 1to play 2to play with 3to play (a musical instrument)
Íwareec.PH He/She plays.
ixbáN wing
ixbácgiN screech owl
ixdadagishibíshaN black hawk
ixdadagiʔihdíaN large hawk
ixirúhxaN 1large beads 2bracelet
íxiruxiV to worry about
ixóodagiN horse, white
ixúa1N body 2V to be tired 3V to be played out
ixúawaaraagiguaheV 1to apply body paint 2to decorate oneself
ixúaxaN knee
ixúaxarudíhishaN knock kneed (knee tied)
ixúaʔaruʔagaashaN 1body cords 2tendons
ixúaʔiirigarusheʔeV 1to have the same blood 2to be inbred
ixuaʔooráxbiN skin
ixúaʔreʔeV to be sick
ixúcaweeV to have fever
ixúgaraaxishiV to be paralyzed (not feel the body)
íxuudawiréeriV to break through a door
íʔaadiV to throw something at someone