PRE-RELEASE VERSION aaaʔbcdeeeghiiikmnoooprshtuuuwxi iréʔhiriV to obey iréʔhiriaV to disobey iríN penis iríV to be alive, living iríaciV 1to suppose 2to presume iríahiV breathe iríahigigshiV to sigh iríbifat iríci1V to have a smell or odor 2N scent 3V to smell 4V to stink irídiheV to frighten irigíN leg írigiV 1to hit at a distance 2to shoot at irigúudiN 1thigh 2hip joint iriigshíV 1to punish 2to scold irikéerigshaN 1garter 2leggings iríshaN son iriʔíiN pubic hair (male) iriʔíihgeN marbles (small spheres) iróʔhgeV 1to exert force 2to strain iróʔohaawiV 1to be tired after exertion 2to be exhausted irúN flesh (meat) írubagiV 1to sprinkle on 2to be spilled out irúbubiV to be stretchable, elastic irúbuciV 1to be frayed 2to be ragged 3to split irúcaraaV 1to be ripped 2to be unraveled Page 10 of 15<1 ...5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 >