MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



ishdáʔarushehbiN iris and pupil of the eye
ishdóoraxbiN eyelids
íshgeeV 1to think (about) 2to consider 3to intend
ishíaV 1to be bad 2to be no good 3to be ugly
ishíahgeV to be ugly
ishídaN 1back 2back, one's
ishídaN back (of a person)
ishidáaV to be industrious, a good worker
ishídhecraN lower back
ishídiruN spine
ishígishaN woman's brother-in-law
ishíheV 1to spoil something 2to do wrong 3to ruin
ishitéerabiN center of the back
ishóogiN 1front (of a unity) 2front of something (the)
ishóogiguaPPP in front of
íshpiruN 1forearm 2forearm muscles
ishúN wing feather
ishuuccéeV to kneel
ishúudiN lap (when seated)
ishúʔadishíaN bat (mammal)
itáaciN 1pants 2pants, trousers
itáaci-báruwiN shorts
itáaciʔawahuuN underwear
itáciʔooragabixeN leggings
itáʔrawiV to dislike very much