MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



idaahérabiN waist, his
idáahgaN 1man's father in law 2old man 3husband
idáahgaxiʔeN old man
idaakáN 1kettle, bucket 2kettle
idáakubeN owl
idaakube aguʔahboocgatewaguN horned owl
idáakube ihdíaN grey owl
idáaruN woman's older brother
idáashiN robe
idaaʔihbúN arrow tip
idágaaMISC 1boy's grandfather (to) 2girl's grandfather (to)
idagéhgebaN 1red-winged blackbird 2blackbird
idáhbaN shoes, his
idáhbaxaN socks, stockings
idáhbiishaN leggings
idáhbiishawaaguN moccasin, high top (his/her)
idáhcuV to be half
idáhcuheN fifty cent piece
idahgíishaN a male's younger sister
idahgórishishMISC Dancing butte
idaréhbaN 1umbilical cord 2umbilicus 3navel, his
idaruxbáagaN relatives
idashíraxbiN leather blanket
idawaabíshaN grandchild
idawaawadúhdiV 1to be friendly 2to be hospitable