MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



aguʔíibiragaN tribal council
aguʔíicihgashN the first one
aguʔiidúgaN leader
aguʔiirúhbaa bíragaMISC twentieth
aguʔiráʔaguʔN 1representative 2spokesman 3lawyer
aguʔiréʔN lawyer
aguʔíricii/waaʔidúuxiN stink dress
aguʔóogiguaPPP day before yesterday
aguʔóogiruN (the) next one
ágúʔuʔahdiV to ridicule
agxábiV 1to lay with 2to cohabit
áhbaN ear (animal)
ahbaaxarudóʔhiriʔV 1to shoot at the blue sky (idiom) 2to talk nonsense 3to make a ridiculous claim
ahbáaxiN 1cloud 2sky 3heaven
ahbáaxi-arudóʔhi1to be light blue 2N blue sky
ahbáaxi-aruʔóhxaadiN cloud
ahbáaxi-dacíN dark clouds/sky
ahbihdíaN mule, donkey
ahbóogshaN earring
ahbúudiN (the) back of head
áhdagiheccN 1dice game 2dominoes
ahdubadahdV to shake one's hand or nod no
áhduragshagiV to bump one's head
áhdurubshishihgeV to nod one's head yes
ahdúucuhgaN Flathead Indians