aguʔiráʔaguʔN 1representative 2spokesman 3lawyer
aguʔiréʔN lawyer
aguʔíricii/waaʔidúuxiN stink dress
aguʔóogiguaPPP day before yesterday
aguʔóogiruN (the) next one
ágúʔuʔahdiV to ridicule
áhbaN ear (animal)
ahbaaxarudóʔhiriʔV 1to shoot at the blue sky (idiom) 2to talk nonsense 3to make a ridiculous claim
ahbáaxi-aruʔóhxaadiN cloud
ahbáaxi-dacíN dark clouds/sky
áhdagiheccN 1dice game 2dominoes
ahdubadahdV to shake one's hand or nod no
áhdurubshishihgeV to nod one's head yes