MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



aguwaagigáariʔidúN door-to-door fundraising song
aguwáagigishgiN 1judges 2inspectors
aguwaagíguwaaN one who is a soldier
aguwaagiguwáaʔidaweʔciN saber
aguwaagírigiN blacksmith
aguwaagiwagéʔeN preacher
aguwaaguxdiwaaʔidúN Helper's song
aguwáarecgidúN Porcupine Worker's song
aguwaarihshíguaN dance arena
aguwáaʔarurigiN background singers
aguwaaʔiiʔuuteN (a) trouble-maker
aguwáaʔiraaga wadúheN 1procreator 2one who begets
aguwaaʔishíhe1N one who constantly messes things up 2V to mess up
aguwáceetaN favorite
aguwagácgiN wrestler
aguwagíʔiN gambler
aguwaʔishgeN one who directs or commands
aguwaʔiʔiréN lawyer
aguwirúʔN 1fighter 2boxer
aguwiruʔcagíheV to be the best fighter
agúxaa1V to be far away 2V to be separated 3separated
aguxáhi1V to be distant 2V to be further on 3V to be far away
aguʔáagabeN 1fiance 2suitor 3boyfriend
aguʔíciʔihdiaN Russian