MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



agixáhiPPP further on
agixirúhdiV to run along with a group
agiʔuʔshíaV to arrive here with a group
agodáariV to ford or go across along with a group
ágshiV 1to grasp 2to catch 3to grab
ágshiaV 1to catch 2to hold
agubáaN announcer
agubáahihgeN (a) musician
aguburihshiwaaʔiduN Healer's song
agucíishiN scout
agucíxiN 1jumper (person) 2one who jumps
agudáaN 1dweller 2one who dwells
agúdaaraaV 1to go away 2to get lost
agudíruaN syrup
agudóoone which
agudóʔhiN 1bead 2seed bead
Agúhdaaraa!PH Go away! Get lost!
aguhéN guardian
aguhíidaN fast, a fast one
agumaagigúaN soldier
agumárisheN dancer
aguráhbiN 1one who got in 2office holder 3passenger
aguruudíN (an) eater
aguwaabáahiN male singer
aguwaadáheN (a) murderer