MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



gígshiV 1to fix up 2to repair
gigúV to give back
gigúaV to trap
giguháaV invite, call
gigúucgaaraV 1we studied it 2to talk it over 3to think about it
gigúucgiV 1to practice 2to learn
gihishíhgeeV blush
gihópeehishaV to get dark
gihxúNUM five
gihxuhaabíragaNUM fifty
gíiV 1to get back 2to return
gíiheʔshaaʔiirahguckept on, repeating something
gíirabiN bull
gíirabiʔawaagishMISC Sitting Bull
gíiriV 1to look for 2to search for 3to hunt
gíirushgacN he/she takes off (clothes)
giiwagáciV 1break one's word 2to back out of a promise
gíixiV to whimper
giiʔagshiʔaruu shatacPH hold on ("He held on and didn't let go.")
giráaN husband
giráagshiN falcon
giráaguteeN morning
giracgúaN junberry plant
giracóobiV to kiss
gíradaV to like