MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



goxáadi-nagcíhgaa-ósheV to plant a row of corn
goxáadihishiN red corn
goxáadiʔidaʔooriN ripe corn
goxáadiʔoragcihgeN row of corn
goxadagubáahiN priest, corn (corn priest)
goxáudihishibúʔshiN red spotted corn
góʔoshdaADV 1a little 2few
goʔshdáhcihiiV to sip
DEM 1there 2that
gúaheeV to put back on
Gúashac.PH Right!
gúaxiV catch up with
gubísmelled, it
gugahaaADV that's why, on account of
gúgiricADV perhaps
gúhbaheV 1to tease 2to tease
guhbáheeV bother someone
guhbáheedaV to leave someone alone
gúhdaPPP 1that way 2in that direction
guhgáV 1to be ready 2to be enough
guraʔagreeV go, taking something along
guraʔakiiV 1bringing 2to come bringing something
guraʔakuuV bring something back
guréeV to chase
guréʔeV to keep