MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



iiwaapáahgeN signal (omen?)
iiwadúV to be born
iiwadúheV to give birth
íiwagiN 1chest 2chest (body part)
íiwagicceV 1to pass around 2to distribute
iiwagihishíN robin
íiwagiwaariheN policeman
iiwagíʔN game (generic)
íiwagshashaV to be equivalent
íiwahuN mouth, inside the
iiwahugaháabaahiV to hum a tune
íiwahugireʔeV to mumble
iiwákiruN breastbone
iiwarág xagáaV to be barely moving
iiwarahcágiN incisor (tooth)
íiwareeV to play a musical instrument
íiwaruhdaV to be foolish, mischievous, silly
íiwashiN the price, the cost, the value
íiwashigoʔoshdaV to be inexpensive
íiwashihiriV to pay for
íiwashireecaV to be free (of charge)
íiwashiʔahuV to be expensive
iiwáxbidahaaPPP sunset, before
Iiwaʔarudíareeshic.PH It doesn’t take long.
iiwáʔaruʔaareciV to be tempting