PRE-RELEASE VERSION aaaʔbcdeeeghiiikmnoooprshtuuuwxii iirósharuʔahushMISC Garrison, ND íiroʔthem iiróʔhakaathey alone iirúaN form, kind, type íirúaʔihaa1V to be unusual 2V to be odd iiruubásecond íiruwaN tally sticks for moccasin game iiruwacáhbininth iirúʔtaV disapprove íishV 1to junk 2to throw íishaN ankle íishagaraaV to outdistance iisháhbuaseventh iisháhcaaV 1to be plain 2to be not fancy iisharihdíaN molar (tooth) íisharuhshgaV to pull teeth íishaʔaruhobiN dental cavities iishgíN scale íishiV to throw something away iishíareeV 1to forbid 2to discipline iishúkeV to spill over iishúudiN gums íitaV to be furry, fuzzy íitahgaN corners of the mouth iiwaadíaV 1to depend on 2to trust Page 6 of 9<1 ...2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >