MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



íixoogiN 1oar 2paddle
iixúashiV to dress
Íiʔaadic.PH He/She threw it at him/her.
iiʔáakabaagideeV freeze to death
iiʔágaagiV to sit on
Íiʔagaagic.V He/She sits.
íiʔagshiN handle of something
iiʔagúuciV 1to dry up 2to shrivel up 3to be wrinkled
íiʔahtaN step (part of a stair)
Iiʔaráshdéerac.PH He/She almost died.
iiʔawahuʔúaʔshkuheV to rinse mouth
iiʔíahetaruwasheN hint
iiʔihbúahishaa ~ ihbúahishaV to dart
iiʔiréʔeV to talk about
Iiʔiréʔec.V He/She talks.
iiʔirúdishéʔeʔV to lead
íiʔirutiN reins, harness lines
iiʔoobáhdiriihaV 1to cover something 2to plug something up
iiʔóohiV 1to be used to 2to be accustomed to
iiʔoorúucaruariahiriʔiiV 1to drag along 2to hang back 3to procrastinate
iiʔóowiaV to aim at
íiʔuuciV to be thirsty
Íiʔuucic.PH He/She is thirsty.
iiʔúʔaaN ladder