MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



aráxuhxiV to be burnt to a crisp
araxúudiV break through with the foot
araʔarugirágcudiN braid of hair
áraʔarugirágcudiV to queue up
araʔiiʔóbxagiN hair comb, a decorative
aréeV to be warm (weather)
aréeririgiN sun stroke
aréʔeV 1to ache 2to hurt 3to have pain
aréʔeheeV to be angry
arí1to be frostbitten 2V to be frozen
Arídic.PH He/She is hungry.
aríiN 1road 2path 3street 4trail
aríidiV to be hungry
aríiʔarushahshaN 1road junction 2fork in the road
aróhgibabiV to find
aróorabiV to find
aróxbaN confluence
aróxbaguaN Mandan (people)
arubácga1N even surface 2facet
arubácgubiN crease, pleat
arubáhxaN corner
arubáhxa-dóobaN 1square 2triangle
arubáhxa-náawiN triangle