MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



arubóhorowiN bullet
arubóhorowiʔishiN shot pouch
arubúʔshiN spots
arucáawiN prong (something sticking out)
arucáawicagiV 1to be friendly 2to be nice 3to have good ways 4to be kind
arucáawiʔishiaV 1to be rude 2to be unfriendly 3to be unkind
arucagáacihgidaaruwiV to prosper
arucagíN goodness
arucagíhaarahgureeshiV to be impatient
arucáraN 1fat 2lard 3something that is greasy
arucawéeN sweat, perspiration
arucíriaN coldness, a cold place
aruciriahgwaʔooruxbaagaN Eskimos
aruciríawaduN rattlesnake
aruciríawaduʔaruxawua1rattle 2N sound of a rattle snake
arucíwiN tassel, a
arudóorush hiʔiPH What time is it?
arugáadiN real one (the)
arugadíN garden
arugadíiʔagugigeeshaN spirits, garden
arugágaaN knot, of a tree
arugaríicgaN sun, reflection of
arugíaraci1V to be intelligent 2V to be mighty 3brave 4smart
arugigáagisewn seam
arugigíhdiV to be dangerous