MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



ahdúuuʔruráxbiN scalp of the head
áhgagciishaháhguV to peck around
áhgagibiV to team them up horses
áhgagooriQUAN one thousand
áhgaheeshahgaV to take it easy
áhgikáhiV to take back from
ahgúxiN 1ear 2ear (human)
ahgúxidaawiV 1to be deaf 2to be hard of hearing
ahgúxiwaadágabiN scaly matter in the ear
ahgúxiʔáhparáataN ear lobe (animal)
ahgúxiʔarudabaaear lobe
ahgúxiʔarudabaaV to listen closely, eavesdrop
ahgúxiʔaruhobiN ear canal
ahguxiʔaruxáabiN top thin part ear
ahíN turnip
ahíbi1V to dig turnips 2N digging sticks
ahiʔaguhishíN beet or carrot
ahiʔaguʔihdíaN rutabaga
ahíʔaguʔíirihíshaN beet
ahíʔiibhíN turnip digger
áhshuN 1string 2rope
ahú 1much 2many
akáagaV to be late
ákaakeV to delay