get together makíi V to get together, assemble
get up gírahi V to get up
get water mirirúhci V get water
get well gishí V to heal, to get well
get whiff of náhxagi V to get whiff of
ghost iráaxi N ghost maaʔiráaxi N ghost, spirit nóodishga N ghost
giant nuxbaagaʔihdía N giant
gift maaʔarugáhee N donations, gifts, commodities maaʔarugúʔu N gift
girl maagaríshdawia N girl
girl's girl friend igaʔóxbahge N girl's female companion
girlfriend miaʔáagabe N girlfriend
give gúʔu V to give
give back gigú V to give back
give birth iiwadúhe V to give birth
give hay mikáguʔu V to give hay
give it to me! Múg! PH Give it to me!
give out núugipe V to give out
give someone a name náashihiri V to give someone a name
give to gú DEM there
give up gowíhe V to give up
glance at ígaahi V glance at
gland ádageewi N gland
glass maadági N glass maadágiʔóoragcáa N glass, broken
glass doll máadagiraaga N glass doll
glimpse Ishdatahghdaaʔigáahi. PH He/She caught a glimpse of them.
glitter garíicgacga V to be glistening, shiny, bright
gloves xúhdi N gloves, mittens
glue maaʔíigarixape N glue mashigá N glue
gnarled gágaa gnarled
gnats nabíduucga N gnats
gnaw nagóobi V to gnaw a hole
gnaw on nadahxí V to gnaw on
gnaw on it gúʔaruhaghadaxa V to gnaw on it
go across dáari V to go across
go after nákuuni V to go after
go along agidáari V to go across along with a group agirée V to go along with a group guraʔagree V go, taking something along maacíaraci V to be calm, barely going née V to go
go around again gáshi V to go around again
go away agúdaaraa V to go away
Go away! Get lost! Agúhdaaraa! PH Go away! Get lost!
go back náagu V to go back
go back after gírure V go back after
go home náagu V to go home
go in miréeri V to go in
go limp gishúgi V to go limp
go out ádaari V to go out
go outside adáashi V to go outside adáashihdaaree V to go outside