MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



pack girushá V to pack gíʔi V to pack
pack up and leave náari V to pack up and leave
paddle íixoogi N oar íixoogi N paddle nahxóogi V to paddle naxóogi V to paddle xóogi V to paddle, row
pail miráxa N pail
pain aréʔe V to have pain aruʔaréʔe N pain, sickness iibácaadihishahge N shooting
pain in the joints hirúʔaruʔaréʔe N pain in the joints
paint adiʔíihe V to paint iidúwiguahec PH painted himself, he
pale adági V to be pale giʔádagihgee V to become pale
palm of hand sháagiruwaada N palm of hand
pan maacíwira N pan
pancakes dahsháhihge N pancakes
pancreas míixiisha N pancreas (of a cow)
pant núube V to pant
panther idubáashibisha N panther
pants itáaci N pants itáaci N pants, trousers
paper maaʔáagashi N paper
paralyze ixúgaraaxishi V to be paralyzed (not feel the body)
parasol nóogci N parasol
parched aráhxuhee V to be parched (e.g. corn)
pare nacgíbi V to pare
parents aadíguda N parents
Parshall, ND dibíarugareesh MISC Parshall, ND
part iragógare N part (in the hair)
part with something of sentimental value iiheeraari V to part with something of sentimental value
particular cagíria V to be particular
partner góogii N partner
pass around íiwagicce V to pass around
pass by ones goal nagagíci V to pass by ones goal
passenger aguráhbi N passenger
past nágshibi V to be past, to be after ogihishiru PPP past, beyond
pat nagadahshí V to pat
patch óhgahbi V to patch
path aríi N path
pattern aruwaaráagi N color aruwaaráagi N pattern of something
paunch íixi N paunch
paw icí N paw
Pawnee ceesharuxbáaga N Pawnee
pay for íiwashihiri V to pay for
peach maaʔagubóhorowi N peach
peanuts marádahge N peanuts
pear bacgiriaʔóʔge N pear
peas awáashabohorowi N peas
peck around áhgagciishaháhgu V to peck around
peculiar aruʔireʔishíaraci V to talk in a peculiar way
peek in áagciishi V to peek in
peel núxabi V to peel
peel back núxabi V to peel back
peel tripe íixiruxabi V to peel tripe
peer áagciishi V to peer
peg miráʔíigdaree N nail, peg