oak tree míragawigaa N oak tree
oar íixoogi N oar
oats mikáaʔihbu N oats
obey iréʔhiri V to obey
obvious íata V to be clear, plain, obvious
occipital joint áapiru N occipital joint
ocean miriʔaguíhdia ~ mirihdía N ocean
October Miráaba Xíiri Mirísh MISC October
odd íirúaʔihaa V to be odd
of two hearts oodaadaruubaac V to be of two hearts
off oorahbí N a place where one gets in, on, or off
offend íhgirushbi V to offend
offer Idaʔíiwashirashaadic. PH He/She made an offer.
offer holy things maabáhci V to offer holy things
offering to corn goxáacdihdaa waabáhci N offering to corn
office holder aguráhbi N office holder
oil caráa N oil caráaʔagudihgi N oil, thick automotive
oil stove mirá-úuwaca N arucara oil, stove
okay Cagíha. PH Fine, okay.
old eagle cáhci N black eagle (old eagle)
old man idáahga N old man idáahgaxiʔe N old man
old woman gáaruxiʔe N old woman
Old Woman Who Never Dies gáarudetaash MISC Old Woman Who Never Dies
omen iiwaapáahge N signal (omen?)
on oorahbí N a place where one gets in, on, or off
on account of gugahaa ADV that's why, on account of shéʔhguhaa ADV on account of
on the plains awacúhgagua N on the plains
on the sly axuháa PPP on the sly
on top of áagaru V to be on top of
once maʔaruaruaci ADV once in a great while
one nuwáca NUM one
one dollar uuwacaruwáca N one dollar
One Horn áashiruwacash MISC One Horn (name)
one thousand áhgagoori QUAN one thousand
one which agudóo one which
one who begets aguwáaʔiraaga wadúhe N one who begets
one who constantly messes things up aguwaaʔishíhe N one who constantly messes things up
one who directs or commands aguwaʔishge N one who directs or commands
one who dwells agudáa N one who dwells
one who got in aguráhbi N one who got in
one who jumps agucíxi N one who jumps
one who uses vulgar language aruʔireʔishíaraci N one who uses vulgar language
one's age máara N one's age
one’s family aadíguda N one’s family
onion mikaaʔúudi N onion [lit. root of the grass]
ooze óʔcawua V ooze