cabbage miráabihdia N cabbage
cabinet maaʔarúxaru PPP in a cabinet
cactus bacgíria N cactus
caecy cíidihiru N sacrum and caecy (tail bone)
cake maaʔaráxipeecigua N cake
calf of the leg náaca N calf of the leg
call giguháa V invite, call
call on someone by name náshaadi V to call on someone by name
calm maacíaraci V to be calm, barely going
camp atí N camp
Canadian idúuxihishi N Canadian
candy maacigúa arúwiri N candy
canine céeshiihsha N canine teeth (the)
cannon aruhobíʔihdia N cannon
cap apúhga N cap
captive náahge N captive
car máahdi N car máhdiidagiiri V to ride in a car
car repair máahdi arugígshi-adí N car repair
care about báshagi V to care about maaʔarugiráshi N something you care about
care for géeshe V to care for
careful with things ágarahcaa V to be careful with things
carefully cagíhaa ADV carefully, well, fine, correctly
careless maabáshagida V to be careless
carp muaʔíihohbi N carp
carpet awaʔíaxu N carpet
carrot ahí-agucíiʔri N carrot ahiʔaguhishí N beet or carrot
carry gíʔi V to carry
carry on the back gíʔi V to put on the back
cat buushíhge N cat
catch a sickness nagabádi V to catch a sickness
catch up with gúaxi V catch up with
catfish muagáadi N catfish
Catholic nun míaʔaguxubáash N Catholic nun
catsup íirihishahge N catsup
cattle brand aruʔóote N brand (cattle)
caught iigshía V to be caught, jammed, stuck
cause fall baxía V to cause fall
cause move xágahe V to cause move
cause to shake nagadáhdi V to cause something to shake
cautious nahcáa V to be cautious
cave áwahobí N burrow, pit, cave
cement ádiʔiʔibgidiʔiʔihashahe N cement
center of the back áarapeera N center of the back ishitéerabi N center of the back
ceremony awashiwiréeri N eagle trapping (ceremony)