MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



chair maaʔíagaagi N chair
challenger's song maaʔiiwagi-waaʔidú N challenger's song
chance place magiwagárahaa V to chance place
change giʔiháhgee V to change something
chapped arabáabi V to be chapped
charcoal awaʔaráxa N charcoal
charred aráshbia V to be charred
chase gurée V to chase
chattered íihgacawagirigi teeth chattered, his
cheek íidaada N cheek
cheekbones íidawaruxahi N cheekbones
cheer at ágcacgi V to cheer at
cheese caráa-agucíiʔri-cóogi N cheese
chest abádaa N chest, front of body from the waist up cahcóori V to be sickly (e.g. tight chest) íiwagi N chest íiwagi N chest (body part)
chestnut horse aráshgiahisha N chestnut horse
chew náhshdaa V to chew
chew a hole in nagóobi V to chew a hole in
chew off náhcagi V to chew something off
chew on nácagihisha V to chew on náshdu V chew on náxdua V to chew on
chick cagáaga-nága N chick, egg
chickadee icagíigi (or icigiigi) N chickadee
chicken mashíi-idacagáaga N hen, chicken
chief maceeʔíhci N chief
child maagaríshda N child
chills habáahba V to have chills
chilly hicóogi V to be chilly
chin íihga N chin
Chippewa shahíi MISC Cree, Chippewa
chirp cóobi V chirp, to squeak
choke nágshi V choke
chokecherries maaccíruwadu N chokecherries
chokecherry máacu-arucúuwiwadu N chokecherry
chop nágcagi V to chop
Christmas máarawaabixubáaʔihdía MISC Christmas
chum góogii N chum
chunk nagagíbi V to cut off a chunk
church bácgiriaʔaguruudi MISC Peyote Eaters (N.A. church) maagiwagéʔe-adí N church
cigarette óobi N tobacco, cigarettes
cinema maaʔaruʔigáahge-adí N cinema
circle gagíxi N circle
circle after prey nakuuwaháhgu V to circle after prey
circular gagíxi V to be circular
claim ahbaaxarudóʔhiriʔ V to make a ridiculous claim
clam shell madóogi N clam shell
clan naagí N clan maxóoxadi MISC Stale Hut clan (aikali lodge clan) naagiʔoráshaadi N name of a clan
claw icíxbu N claw
clay awá N clay úuga N clay
clean hides báxua V to clean hides
clear girágcia V to become clear néʔexi V to be clear (in color)
clear a field nagshúugi V to clear a field