MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



cook maaríhee V to cook
cook house maaríheeʔadí N cook house
cooked softness icgóodi V to be cooked softness
cookie maaʔaráxipeecigua N cake maaʔaráxipeecigua N cookie
cool cía V to be extinguished (out), cooled off, out hicóogi V to be cool
cool down cíiahe V to cool down
cool off gaccí V to cool off
cord agáasha N cord
corn adági N corn góoxaadi N corn góoxaadiʔagubuʔshi N corn, spotted goxáadi N corn, white goxáadi-nagcíhgaa-óshe V to plant a row of corn
corn grinder máʔepi N corn grinder
corn meal góoxaadiʔaruhuuba N corn meal góoxaadiʔiidabaa N corn meal
corn priest goxadagubáahi N priest, corn (corn priest)
cornball maapí N cornball
cornball stew maapíragaba N cornball stew
corner arubáhxa N corner báhxa N corner, a bend
corners of the mouth íitahga N corners of the mouth
cornsilk abíi N cornsilk
corpse noogdé N corpse
corral íixaxia N corral íixaxia N fence maʔíixaxia N corral
correct cagíhee V to do skillfully, correctly
correctly cagíhaa ADV carefully, well, fine, correctly
cost íiwashi N the price, the cost, the value
cottontail íidagi N rabbit (cottontail)
cottonwood máahgu N cottonwood máahgu N night
cough húa V to cough
coughing xáxoori V to be coughing
coulee awaʔahú N coulee
count gíruwi V count
coup óoʔge N feather, coup (worn in hair)
couple núubaaci N couple
courageous ihúuba V to be brave, courageous
court áagabee V to court maaʔiréʔe N court of law (hearing)
cover maaʔíidape N cover
cover up for someone giwáʔaxua V cover up for someone
covered with snow máaʔagshihgaʔe V to be covered with snow
covering ashí N any covering of the back
cow midée N cow aruwíhga N female (of), cow iidádagi V to be bald-faced (horse, cow, etc.)
cowry shell uudíshga N cowry shell
coyote móohcaa N coyote
crack arusháhgi N crack, a aruʔirúshagi N crack
crack open núdaa V to crack something open
crack with the teeth nádaa V crack with the teeth
cracked irúciria V to be cracked, split
crackle aráda V to snap or crackle in a fire
cradle maagaríshda íigirugiga N pram (baby buggy)
crafty maaʔaruhíriwidabaaci V to be crafty
cranberries midéegcahca N cranberries
crane abíca N crane (water bird) dooshía N blue crane
crash bácadaa V to crash
crawl míidi V to crawl