clear the throat áabacigigshi V to clear the throat
clip off nacgíidi V clip off
clock mirí-igigíshgi N clock
clods nagsha V to break up dirt clods in a garden
close áccaa V to be close or near
close the eyes ishdáabushi V to close the eyes
close up íbadakaa V to be close up
closed kíibadu V to be closed
cloth mashíiʔixi N cloth
clothes maaʔídúuxi N clothes
cloud ahbáaxi N cloud ahbáaxi-aruʔóhxaadi N cloud
clouds ahbáaxi-dací N dark clouds/sky
cloudy shíi V to be cloudy
clumsy xíibi V to be clumsy
coat idúuxihdia N coat
coffee mirisháaʔaashish N coffee mirishibísha N coffee
cohabit agxábi V to cohabit
coil abée V to coil something up, loop something around
cola miricigúa N soda pop
cold ciría V to be cold (of objects or weather) habáa V to be cold (of people) arucíria N coldness, a cold place Miihabáac. PH I am cold.
collar áabooragabíhxe N collar
collar bone maawácciru N collar bone
color adági V to be clear (in color) maaráagi N color maaʔagucíiʔri V to be orange (color) néexi V to be bright, light- colored, clear
colt icúuwashgaraaga N colt
comb araʔiiʔóbxagi N hair comb, a decorative maaʔaraʔiigiruxági N comb maaʔíiruxugi N comb
come guraʔakii V to come bringing something
come apart irúshagi V to come apart
come back gúu V come back
come down mixdáhdahu V to come down
come for núuhuu V to come for
come open irúshgi V to come open, off
come to a stop náhihge / gówihe V to come to a stop
commodity maaʔarugáhee N donations, gifts, commodities
companion góogii N companion
computer maaʔíshgehiida N computer
conceited maacagíria V to be conceited
concoct gisharéehge V to concoct
confluence aróxba N confluence
confluence of two streams áashiʔaróxba N confluence of two streams
constellation íhgáxaxuash DEM Pleiades, the (constellation)
constricting bácgiidi V to be constricting
contagious maaʔaruragabádi V to be contagious
contents maaʔóoshee N contents
continue háhgu V be, continue, remain. exist
contract an illness nagabádi V to contract an illness