MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



boy maagaríshdawacee N boy macéehge N little boy
boyfriend aguʔáagabe N boyfriend
brace báshia N brace
bracelet ítiruwaca N bracelet ixirúhxa N bracelet
braid araʔarugirágcudi N braid of hair
brain cúada N brain
branching xáawi N branching overhead
brand aruʔóote N brand (cattle) óotee V to brand (cattle)
brave arugíaraci brave ihúuba V to be brave, courageous
Brave man's song maʔíhigiguucgiwaaʔidú N Brave man's song
breach cloth maaʔicípshahge N loin cloth (breach cloth)
bread maaʔaráxipee N bread
break badáa V to break, burst, or pop by pushing núhcagi V to break
break by stepping on araxúhxi V break by stepping on
break down núwici V break down in smaller pieces
break free báshgu V to break free báshgu V to break out
break in núxuhxi V to break in
break in two nagaxúhxi V to break in two
break into pieces nagadáa V to break into pieces
break off nuhbá V to break off a part
break off using the foot arahcági V to break something off using the foot
break one's word giiwagáci V break one's word
break out arabagí V to break out
break something brittle with the foot arádaa V to break something brittle with the foot
break through araxúudi V break through with the foot
break up awáhashaa V to break up (a gathering) nagsha V to break up dirt clods in a garden
breast áaci N breast
breastbone iiwákiru N breastbone
breathe iríahi V breathe
breathing noisily xáxoori V to be breathing noisily
briar maaʔabcí N thorn, briar
bridge of the nose abarúuri N bridge of the nose
bright awáxaadigadi V to be bright, well-lit néexi V to be bright, light- colored, clear
bring áʔaguʔushia V to bring something áʔakuu V to bring something
bring back guraʔakuu V bring something back
bring in miréetee V to bring in
bringing guraʔakii V bringing
brittle cóhcohníx V to be brittle
broad shúhga V to be broad
broil mirídi V to broil
broken irúxuhxi V to be broken maadágiʔóoragcáa N glass, broken
broken apart irúdaa V to be broken apart
brother íaʔga N man's older brother icúuga N younger brother macúuga MISC boy's younger brother (to) macúuga MISC girl's younger brother (to) macúugash N boy’s younger brother (about) macúugash N girl’s younger brother (about) madáaru MISC girl's elder brother (to) madáarush N girl’s elder brother (about) míʔagaa N boy's elder brother (to) míʔagaash N boy’s elder brother (about)
brother-in-law iráadi brother-in-law (man's)
brown shíiʔri V to be brown
brown coal awaʔaráxa N lignite (brown coal)
brush off nagadóhdi V to brush off
buckbrush mashúgaagsha N buckbrush
bucket idaaká N kettle, bucket miráxa N bucket
buckskin horse shíiʔri N horse, buckskin