become extinguished gaccí V to become extinguished
become habitual giʔídawaahiríhge V to become habitual
become many giʔahúhgee V to become many
become pale giʔádagihgee V to become pale
become spent giréeccee V to become spent
become used up giréeccee V to become used up
become warm gícawee V to become warm
becoming íhgicagi V to be becoming or flattering someone
bedding uuwági N bedding
bee gúuwixi N bee
beet ahiʔaguhishí N beet or carrot ahíʔaguʔíirihísha N beet
before iiwáxbidahaa PPP sunset, before
belch gaxbádahee V belch
belief maaʔarugarácee N belief
believe garáccee V to believe
believe everything éecagarace V to believe everything
bellow múua MISC bellow
belly éeri N belly
belong to a group agí V to belong to a group
beloved maaʔarugiráshi V to be beloved
below mixdáa N below
belt eerihdága N harness belt (across the belly) iibácuhga N sash, belt iibáshaagi N belt maaʔiibácuhga N sash, belt maaʔiibáhshaagi N belt
bend arahshúa V to bend something using the foot
bend by pushing báhshua V bend by pushing
bendable shugí V to be bendable
berries máacu N berries
beside guubxée PP beside
betray maaʔíihu V to betray someone
between héera PP between, in the middle
beyond ogihishiru PPP past, beyond ooki beyond
biceps náhshi N biceps
bicycle maaʔarugíiria N bicycle
bifurcated shásha V to be bifurcated
big eater maruudihdía V to be a big eater
big horn sheep aashihdía N big horn sheep
big toe icitá N big toe (the)
bike maaʔarugíiria N bicycle
bile arabáariʔi N bile maaʔarushíiri N bile
bill maʔíiwashireeca N bill maʔíiwashireeca N bill
birch madáabuushi N birch madáabuushi N poplar, birch (tree)
bird cagáaga N bird abíca N crane (water bird) awashóʔorihsha N swallow (bird) béericga N raven (bird) digiríi N killdeer, (bird) héewiʔaguʔáhduhishi N turkey buzzard (vulture with red head) ihgiguté N plover (bird) íixdadagi N hawk (esp. red tailed) iwágshiri N thrush (bird) maahgógxabi N white owl máaraaʔidakube N dove (wild) máaʔishu adági N eagle, white máaʔishu xáxi N eagle, spotted maaʔishushibísha N eagle, black mashíi-idacagáaga N hen, chicken cíhbagúshudi N burrowing owl
bird's tail íibi N bird's tail
birth aruʔíiwadu N birth, one's
Bismarck awadibáhciheesh MISC Bismarck, ND
bite náhci V to bite
bitter arawí V to be bitter
bitterroot aruucishuudi N bitterroot
black shibísha V to be black
black eagle cáhci N black eagle (old eagle) maaʔishushibísha N eagle, black