MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



gall arabáariʔi N gall maaʔarushíiri N gall
gall store maaʔarushiiri giwíʔhge N gall store
gallbladder arabáariʔi N gallbladder
gallop nagadárahge V to gallop
gamble magíʔi V complete gamble
gambler aguwagíʔi N gambler
game gigágcuudihge N game (top whipping) húubarigi N game iiwagíʔ N game (generic) máagaxa N game (hoop & pole) nagcúdihge N game (top whipping: played on ice)
games maaʔaruwagí N games
gap aruʔirúshagi N gap
garden arugadí N garden arugadíiʔagugigeesha N spirits, garden maʔabáarirushiibi N weedy garden
garden song miráxihgewaaʔidú N garden song
garnish maaʔiiʔíruhe N garnish
Garrison Dam miríʔarugibáadagish N dam
Garrison, ND iirósharuʔahush MISC Garrison, ND
garter awáguawia N snake, garter irikéerigsha N garter
gas station caráa-aruwaaʔíihu-adí N gas station
gasoline caráa N gasoline máahdiʔarucaraa N gasoline
gather nahxaagiruwácihge V to gather, by scraping núu V to gather
gather together giwácihgee V to gather together
gathering giwácihgee N gathering
genealogy maaʔaruʔihgiragabadí N genealogy
generous maacagí V to be generous
gentle agdabáa V to be gentle dabáa V to be gentle
German aruʔiréʔishiaʔsh N German
German language aruʔiréʔishia N German language
germinate corn gíragshi V to germinate corn
gesture maapáahgee V to gesture maaʔaruxagáa V gesture
get nuhcí V to get núu V to get núuree V to go to get something
get a splinter óobxage V to get a splinter
get after someone áʔaree V get after someone
get along well cagihaaháhgu V to get along well
get away iháadahe V to get away
get back gíi V to get back
get bigger giʔihdía V to get bigger
get dark gihópeehisha V to get dark
get dressed idawaʔigúahe ~ idawaaʔógada V to get dressed iigúahee V to get dressed ókadaa V to get dressed ókadaa V to wear
get help gúxdaʔ V to get help
get hurt ádaruu V to get hurt
get in náhbi V to get in
get lost agúdaaraa V to get lost xabáa V to get lost
get off náhbi V to get off
get on iiwiidía V to get on
get one náhbi V to get one
get oneself ready ihgixáaria V to get oneself ready
get out of the way iháadahe V to get out of the way
get ready gígshagaahge V to get ready
get stiff gitadáhihge V to get stiff
get stuck nagdáree V to get stuck
get sugar diabetes giwaacigúahge V to get sugar diabetes
get the better of someone araxbí V get the better of someone