MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



miʔcíiriaashishN yellow store river
míʔgaashaN 1gravel 2little stones
miʔhábaciN sand stone
míʔiN stone
míʔibcaN axe
miʔiháhbaN sandstone boulder, large
miʔwaaʔiibiruahgeN top for top whipping game
moca ~ macaN 1brothers or sisters 2siblings
móohcaaN coyote
múaN fish
muacéeshaN 1fish 2wolf (a long fish) 3pike (fish)
muacíidaN fishtail
muacúhgaN gold eye (fish)
muadágiN 1transparent fish 2sunfish
muagáadiN catfish
muagigúV to catch a fish
muagurúhciN heron
muaíixaN fish net
múaráadashiiriN a bullhead (fish)
muaráagaN 1minnow 2fish eggs 3roe
muaʔabaréexiN sturgeon
múaʔaguruudiMISC Fish Eaters, a tribe in Northern Oregon
muaʔíihohbiN 1buffalo fish [small mouth] 2carp 3sucker fish
muaʔiiráxaN 1net for fish 2seine
muaʔiíreN fish trap