MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



Maaʔaruʔíaracic.PH It's a secret.
maaʔaruʔígaahgeN television
maaʔaruʔigáahge-adíN cinema
maaʔaruʔigirutíN hair tie
maaʔaruʔíhabiN 1joy 2happiness
maaʔaruʔihgiragabadíN genealogy
maaʔaruʔiigigúucgiN 1example 2lesson
maaʔaruʔiraháhguN life
maaʔaruʔishíheN error
maaʔaruʔíxiruxiV worry
maaʔawáagi-adíN 1bathroom 2out house 3toilet
maaʔaʔxuahíriV to do secretly
máaʔaʔxuheN something done in a sly way
maaʔéecaN everything
maaʔéecagaraceeN person who believes everything
maaʔéecaʔagipaN 1provisions 2supplies
maaʔeerigáashaʔirúgaraN hernia
maaʔéhgeetaaN 1to be stupid 2to be ignorant
maaʔíbcaaV to do beadwork
maaʔibícirakuuwiwaaʔiduN Tail Feather Dance song
maaʔibíhciʔN tail feathers
maaʔicgítaV to be incompatible
maaʔicidiʔíhgidaV 1to follow in the footsteps of 2to track 3to trail