MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



hóoPH hi (greeting)
hóo heʔsháwarecPH 1it's so (said at end of stories) 2so that’s it
hóopaaV 1to be stealthy 2to go slowly
hoowíhgeeV to lull a baby to sleep
hópeehishaV to be dark (as night)
húaV to cough
húageebiN whooping cough
húbaN soup
hucíN wind
hucí arudóobaMISC Four Directions
hucí maaʔigirahúuriN fan
hucíbaruwiN whirlwind
hucída íigireeN kite
húciwaa góoshahiriV to whistle like the wind
húciʔaruhuudoobaN 1direction, wind flow 2directions (four cardinal)
hucíʔihdiaN tornado
húhciaV 1to be dry 2to be greaseless (e.g. a cornball)
húuV to come
húubaN 1handle 2pipe 3stem 4shoes
húubaadiN ear of corn
húubagaN shoelaces (shoe string)
huubaraxbíN moccasins
húubaraxbiʔibccaN beaded moccasins
húubarigiN 1hand game 2game
huubárigihewaaʔiduN moccasin-game song