MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



háhiADV suddenly
hahóPH thank you
hakákaaríhgeV to sharpen
hápegiwicV to put lights out
háshaV to be mixed
hashagigéehishaV to pretend
hashagigéehishahaaPH 1it looks that way 2it seems
hasháheeV to mix
háshaʔagiiV 1to presume 2to suppose
hashíceV 1to infuriate 2to provoke
hashíshiV to sting
haxáxeV to file (with a rasp)
haxíshiV to be wet
haxpíV to sneeze
haxúudiV 1to lance 2to cut open
DEM this
héeraPP between, in the middle
héerabiN middle, waist (the)
heeradígaV to look forward to
héerariiriN 1travelers from afar 2journey
héeruADV among
héewiN 1vulture 2buzzard
héewiʔaguʔáhduhishiN turkey buzzard (vulture with red head)
héeʔPH Hey!
héshaaADV manner, in that