PRE-RELEASE VERSION aaaʔbcdeeeghiiikmnoooprshtuuuwxb bágiriaV 1to push 2to push away bágishiV 1to wipe 2to pet 3to rub bágugiV to be sticking out but covered báhaciV to punch a hole with an awl báhcagiV 1to slice 2to cut báhcaraagiV to be erect báhciV 1to set upright 2to be upright bahcihdáaPPP west báhciheV 1to be slanted 2to slant 3to tilt 4to be off center báhdaaV to tip something over báhdaheeV to tip over báhdihshiV 1to touch 2to nudge báhgiV to hold on with the mouth báhgixiV 1to avoid 2to miss 3to dodge 4to evade 5to detour báhihgeeV to play a flute báhsaaV to stab báhshuaV bend by pushing báhxaN corner, a bend báhxagiV to push hard into something soft báhxuaV to push over barúpeV to shorten barúwariiriN 1group 2society 3organization báruwiV to be short báshagiV to care about báshagitaaV to ignore Page 2 of 5<1 2 3 4 5 >