PRE-RELEASE VERSION aaaʔbcdeeeghiiikmnoooprshtuuuwxb báaV 1to yell 2holler 3to shout báahiV to sing báahishMISC Killdeer Mountains báahxuV 1to spill 2to dump out bábaariV to spread out (e.g. berries for drying) bácaaV 1to jab 2to lace up 3to push 4to string up bácaadiV 1to poke at 2to stab at bácadaaV 1to mash 2to crash 3to crush bácaruaV to push bácgiidiV 1to be tightly fitting 2to be constricting bacgíriaN cactus bácgiriaʔaguruudiMISC Peyote Eaters (N.A. church) bacgiriaʔóʔgeN 1pear 2prickly pear bácgishiV to press out liquid or fluids bácgubiV 1to fold 2to fold up 3to roll up bádaV to lance badáaV to break, burst, or pop by pushing bádaadiV 1to poke 2to tap bádahdiV to roll (over) bádahxiV 1to pick at 2to harp at 3to pick on bádareeV 1to poke 2to stick 3to pin 4to stitch something 5to get a shot bádiV drop off bádohdiV 1to shake 2to ruffle bagéekiV to creak bágidiV to scrape by pushing along Page 1 of 51 2 3 4 5 >