have éʔe V To have Ida-_____ dúuc. PH He/She has (owns) _____. mada-_______ máduuc V I have (own) X Nida-______ ráduuc. PH you have (own) _____.
haw mawúa N haw (tree)
hawk íibxoogi N hawk íixdadagi N hawk (esp. red tailed) ixdadagishibísha N black hawk ixdadagiʔihdía N large hawk
hay mikáa N hay mikaaʔaruʔuúci N hay
hay baler mikáaʔiirutihge N hay baler
hay rack mikaʔiigigawará N hay rack
he/she cries/weeps Íiwiac. PH He/She cries.
he/she dreams Maahshíarec. PH He/She dreams.
he/she is hungry Arídic. PH He/She is hungry.
he/she is thirsty Íiʔuucic. PH He/She is thirsty.
he/she listens Igigúac. PH He/She listens.
he/she plays Íwareec. PH He/She plays.
he/she reads Maaʔágagashiʔarushec. PH He/She reads.
he/she sees Ígaac. PH He/She sees.
he/she shows Adéʔeheec. V He/She shows.
he/she sits on Íiʔagaagic. V He/She sits.
he/she smiles Káhcaac. PH He/She smiles.
he/she talks Iiʔiréʔec. V He/She talks.
he/she throws Ihbúac. PH He/She throws.
he/she wakes/gets up Iccéec. PH He/She wakes up.
head downwards abádawixdahda V head downwards
head roach maʔóote N head roach
headband maaʔáhduiiʔabé N headband
headdress Maaʔóotec. PH It’s a headdress. maʔóote N roach headdress
headlice mée N headlice
heal gishí V to heal, to get well
Healer's song aguburihshiwaaʔidu N Healer's song
healthy maaragadárareesha V to be healthy maaʔixuarereesha V to be healthy
hear iigígu V to hear
hear about íigigua V to hear about something
hearing maaʔiréʔe N court of law (hearing)
hearsay maaʔarágiweʔe N hearsay
heart naadá<!--EndFragment--> N heart
heart attack naadagíihxabi V to have a heart attack
Heart Butte náadabaahishh MISC Heart Butte (near saddle butte)
Heart River naadáashishh MISC Heart River
heaven ahbáaxi N heaven
heavy nagcía V to be heavy
heel of the foot icéegi N heel of the foot
hello dóoshaʔ PH hello, hi
help maaʔarugúxdi N help
help someone guxdí V to help someone
Helper's song aguwaaguxdiwaaʔidú N Helper's song
hen cagáagarawihga N hen mashíi-idacagáaga N hen, chicken
herd giwácihgee N herd nakía V to drive (a herd) nakía V to steer (a herd)
here agiʔuʔshía V to arrive here with a group hiróo DEM here Níhec. PH He's almost here.
hernia maaʔeerigáashaʔirúgara N hernia
heron muagurúhci N heron
hers ídaʔ AFF hers