MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



hook ihgigú N hook nagshía V to hook (into)
hook together hagashge V to hook together
hook up hagashge V to hook up
hooked-shaped shágubi V to be hooked-shaped
hoop miriʔúcgupe N hoop
hoop & pole máagaxa N game (hoop & pole)
hop cíhcixi V to hop
horizon darúhdi-nuwaca N horizon
horn aashí N horn aashíita N furry horns, new antlers
horn rake aashiwarúuxaadi N horn rake
horned owl idaakube aguʔahboocgatewagu N horned owl
horned toad maaʔishbóoragi N horned toad
horse ágibi N horse, one member of a team awaheeraruhahgu N horse, wild cíicirusha N sorrel (horse) cíidareexi N horse, gray cíiʔrishehbi N bay horse ciiʔrixáxi N pinto (horse) Gíʔiriac. PH He/She rides a horse. icúuwashga N horse iidacíiri N strawberry roan (horse) iidádagi V to be bald-faced (horse, cow, etc.) íidashehbi N horse, Blue roan iidihshiʔaruʔáhshu N halter rope (horse) ixóodagi N horse, white nákaadi V to picket a horse shíiʔri N horse, buckskin xaxacía N horse, roan xáxi N pinto (horse)
horse blanket icúuwashgidaashi N horse blanket
horse collar icúuwashgaabeʔe N horse collar
horse racing iidiríahge N horse racing
hospitable idawaawadúhdi V to be hospitable
hospital maaʔixúaree-adí N hospital
hot cawée V to be hot Miicawéec. PH I am hot.
hotel maaʔaruxabí-adí N hotel
hour miriʔiigigíshgiʔarurigi N hour óorigi N hour
house adí N a house, a dwelling adí N house adí N house (his/her/its)
house paint adiʔíihe N house paint
housefly máhbuushi N fly máhbuushi N housefly
how dáawi INT how much, many
how much? how many? dáawiʔ PH how much? how many?
How shall I do it? dooshehishágiwaʔ PH How shall I do it?
how's everything dóoshaʔ PH hello, hi
howl múua MISC howl
hucí maaʔíhgihuuri hucí maaʔigirahúuri N fan
Hudson Bay blanket eeridaaxáxi N Hudson Bay blanket
hug áraxeexi V to hug giráxba V to hug
hum iiwahugaháabaahi V to hum a tune
humble oneself ihgiwigáaria V to humble oneself
humming bird miracicúxe N humming bird
hump cée N bump, hump, mound, ridge
hunchback áarabeeracee N hunchback nuuricee N hunchback
hundred biragihdía NUM hundred
hunger maaʔaríidi N hunger, famine
hungry aríidi V to be hungry
hunt gíiri V to hunt maríʔashi V to hunt
hunting party maaxúheʔarubaruwariiri N hunting party
hurry shábi V to be in a hurry shábi V to hurry shirishi V to be in a hurry
hurry someone ídaxpe V to hurry someone
hurry! Nuusháb! PH hurry!
hurt aréʔe V to hurt
hurt someone's feelings nádagi V to hurt someone's feelings
husband giráa N husband giráhee V to take a husband idáahga N husband
husk corn maarúuxabi V to husk corn