habit heʔsheegsha N habit
habitual giʔídawaahiríhge V to become habitual heʔsheegsha habitual
hail stones maagaxdábawi N hail stones
hail storm magaxdabawí N hail storm
hair ará N hair
hair ornament óoʔge N hair ornament
hair tie maaʔaruʔigirutí N hair tie
hair ties aruʔiigirutí N hair ties
half cúuda to be half cúudaahahga V to be about half idáhcu V to be half
halter iidíhshi N halter
halter rope iidihshiʔaruʔáhshu N halter rope (horse)
hamburger irúgshidi N hamburger
hammer méʔehgirigi N hammer
hammer at díhdici V to hammer at
hammock iirakúcihge N hammock
hand irabágu N right hand masháagi aguʔirábagu N hand, my right masháagi aguʔiráhgishagu N hand, my left sháagi N hand
hand game húubarigi N hand game
handful núhgaa N handful
handle íiʔagshi N handle of something
handsome macéecagi N handsome man
hang around hiróo haaʔiiʔhahguc PH hang around here, he is
hang back iiʔoorúucaruariahiriʔii V to hang back
hang from céece V to hang from
hanging down céecaraagi V to be hanging down
happen all the time heʔshagsha V to happen all the time
happiness maaʔaruʔíhabi N happiness
happy íhabi V to be happy
hard of hearing ahgúxidaawi V to be hard of hearing
hard palate & velum aagáada N hard palate & velum
hard to come by aakiirahbí V to be hard to come by
hard to understand ía V to be hard to see
hard up aakiirahbí V to be hard up
hardened up gitadáhihge V to be hardened up
harelip íicishba N harelip
harp at bádahxi V to harp at
harrow giruxáadihge V to harrow
harvest girúu V to harvest
hat apúhga N hat
hat tassel abuhuhgaʔarucíwi N hat tassel
hatch giraxúxi V to hatch
hatchet míibcaraga N hatchet
hatchlings cagáagaarugiraxúhxi N hatchlings
hate íiguhbaa V to hate
hatless apúhgareecaa V to be hatless
haul gigawaráa V haul
haunted maʔiriidiheegsha V to be haunted