fish net muaíixa N fish net
fish scales muaʔishgi N fish scales
fish trap muaʔiíre N fish trap
fishtail muacíida N fishtail
fist shaagigibohorowihge V to make a fist
fit ícgi fit
five gihxú NUM five
fix up gígshi V to fix up
flag maaragabíhxee N flag
flag pole maaragabíxeʔiiʔigoogi N flag pole
flank náatiru N flank, thigh
flap Íigeʔudarahguc. PH It is flapping. nagabíhxi V to flap
flat cúhga V to be flat
Flathead Indians ahdúucuhga N Flathead Indians
flatland darúhdi N flatland
flatten gicúhgahge V to flatten
flattering to someone íhgicagi V to be flattering to someone
flax cagáckiisha N flax
flea cagácki N flea, a
flesh of upper arm áadiru N flesh of upper arm
Flesher maaʔiirahxábi Flesher
flex something using the foot aracgúbi V to flex something using the foot
flint méʔcigaasha N flint
flint arrowhead maaʔidaaʔíi N flint arrowhead méʔcigaasha N flint arrowhead
flint corn red hishí cóogi N flint corn red
flint corn yellow cíiʔricoogi N flint corn yellow
flirt ágawidaba V to flirt
float giragabíxi V to float nagabíhxi V to float xarúa V to float
flock giwácihgee N flock
floor awá N floor
flour góoxaadiʔiidabaa N flour góoxaadiʔiidabaa N wheat flour
flow xarúa V to flow
flower maaʔarurágabagi N flower maaʔaruragabagíʔaa N stem of a flower miarogádidawiga N wild forget-me-not (flower) mirawaʔáabee N vine, morning glory xubaariciría N plant (one that is pink flowering)
fluffy xíhdi V to be fluffy
fluster naadashabí V to be flustered
flute báhihgee V to play a flute
flutter nagabíhxi V to flutter
foam búxi N foam
foam up gibúxihge V foam up
foamy búxihcagi V to be foamy
fodder góoxaadixigúhe N fodder
foggy shíi V to be foggy
fold up íbacgubi V to fold up something with something else
follow áabashi V to follow