MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



exclude agíhgeeta V to exclude
excrement béeri N excrement
excuse maaʔiiʔúudi N excuse
exempt núhshibi V to exempt
exert force iróʔhge V to exert force
exhausted iróʔohaawi V to be exhausted xíishi V to be exhausted
exile gadaaté V to exile
exist háhgu V be, continue, remain. exist
exit aruʔadáari N exit (the) née V to exit
expect áagugaa V to expect áaguxdi V to expect
expensive maaʔíiwashiʔahu N something that is expensive
experienced aruhiríʔéehgee V to be experienced
experiment gigíshgia N to experiment
explain giwéʔe V to explain iikacée V to explain maaʔiikáce V explain
explode aráxudi V explode
explore maaʔíiaʔhdaa V explore
expose adéʔhe V to be visible adéʔhe V to expose
extend the arms áararagadihe V to extend the arms
extending aruragshípaa extending
extinguish cía V to be extinguished (out), cooled off, out cíiahe V to extinguish gaccí V to become extinguished gaccíhe V extinguish
eye ishdá N eye ishdá N eye, eyes ishdábeeri N eyes, matter from (eye goop) ishdátahga N eye, corner of the
eye socket ishdá-núxagubi N eye socket
eyeball ishdarubóhorowi N eyeball
eyebrow ishdábi N eyebrow
eyeglasses ishdáhge N eyeglasses
eyelash ishdáhbiʔarucee N eyelash
eyelid ishdaréera N eyelid
eyelids ishdóoraxbi N eyelids
eyesight maroogcáhi N eyesight