drag along iiʔoorúucaruariahiriʔii V to drag along
drag the feet while walking araciaríiri V to drag the feet while walking
dragonfly mawúaʔidahga N dragonfly
drain giwaxúa V to drain
drainage béeriʔarugiwaxua N drainage béeriʔarugiwaxua N sewer (draining ditch) miriʔaruréhge drainage
drawer maaʔarúxaru N drawer
drawn up xáa V to be drawn up
dream maahshíare N dream maahshíare N dream
dress idawaʔigúahe ~ idawaaʔógada V to dress idúuxi N shirt, jacket, dress idúuxi-hácgi N dress iixúashi V to dress madaʔúudishgawaʔiduwxi N my seashell (on) my dress
dress pattern iigúcge N pattern (dress) (size, measurement)
dress size idúuxiʔarugiruwi N size, dress
dried úucce V to be dried
dried meat irúga N dried meat
drift xarúa V to drift (as a boat)
drifting snow awáguacuukee N drifting snow
driftwood miríixaa N driftwood
drill hobíhe V to drill (a hole) maaʔiihobíhee N a drill
drink híi V to drink maahiigshá V to drink maaʔaruhíi N drink
drink habitually maahiigshá V to drink habitually
drink it all up náxubi V to drink it all up
drinking glass maadági N drinking glass
drip xée V to drip
drive nakía V to drive (a herd)
drive back giwíahge V to drive back
drizzle xaréccihci V to drizzle
drool íiwirihuu V to drool
droop xéexee V to droop
drop off bádi V drop off
drought awaʔúuci N drought
drowned cibí V to be drowned
drowned animal nágca N drowned animal
drum miráxarigi N drum
drumstick miráxarigi irigí N drumstick
drunk máaraxabaa V to be drunk
dry úucce V to dry something
dry creek bed awaʔahú N dry creek bed
dry goods mashíiʔixi N dry goods
drying bábaari V to spread out (e.g. berries for drying)
Duck Clan miixáagoraxbi MISC Duck Clan
ducks míixaaga N duck
dull shóogi V to be dull
dumb maʔéehgedoc V to be dumb
dung beetle beriagubáta N dung beetle
durable icía V to be durable