MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



disguised himself giʔíhaariaʔiheec disguised himself
disgust dhé MISC disgust, interjection of
disgusted naadagidée V to be disgusted
dish maacíwira N dish
disheveled xáʔwi V to be disheveled
dislike íiguhbaa V to dislike
dislocate gáhdahge V to dislocate
dislocated arm áarashugi N dislocated arm
dislodge báshgu V to dislodge
disobey iréʔhiria V to disobey
dissolve cúgi V to dissolve
distant díishi to be distant
distribute íiwagicce V to distribute
disturb cácge V to cause a disturbance
ditch béeriʔarugiwaxua N ditch béeriʔarugiwaxua N sewer (draining ditch) miirágshi N ditch miriʔaruréhge N ditch miriʔaruʔúashbi N ditch (washout)
dive gicibí V to dive
diver mirihdáagucixi N diver
divide gidaahéhge V to divide
divide in two girubhéhge divide in two
divided shá V to be divided
divided groups aruwéexe N divided groups
divisions aruwéexe N divisions
divorce háheeta V to divorce
dizzy cahíruwiiri V to be dizzy
do gíri V to do hirí V to do híru V to do maaʔaʔxuahíri V to do secretly
do it Héʔshac. PH Do it.
do wrong ishíhe V to do wrong
doctor mashíixubaa N medical doctor
doctor somebody bhú V to doctor somebody
dodge báhgixi V to dodge
dog mashúga N dog hírubaruwi N dog, small old mashúgahge N dog, a little
Dog Den Butte mashúgaʔadish MISC Dog Den Butte
doll máadagiraaga ~ madágiraaga N doll maaʔiráagahge N doll
dominoes áhdagihecc N dominoes
don’t be lazy niʔiishihshata don’t be lazy
donate awahéete V to donate
donations maróowaaʔeʔ gáhxe N donations, a pile of
done óodi V to be done
done with góowi V to be done with
doneness cáahcaa V to be rare (degree or doneness)
donkey ahbihdía N mule, donkey
door mirée N door
door-to-door fundraising song aguwaagigáariʔidú N door-to-door fundraising song
doorknob mirée-maaʔiirúshgi N doorknob
doorway song mireesheereewaaʔidú N doorway song
doubt oogsháccee doubt
dove máaraaʔidakube N dove (wild)
down awáhda down mixdáahgua PPP down mixdáha PPP down
downstream miriʔaruxarúa downstream
drag núcarua to drag