MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



analyze maaʔiigáce V to analyze
angry aréʔehee V to be angry
animal feed góoxaadixigúhe N animal feed
animals maaxagáawahgu N animals
ankle íisha N ankle
announce giwéʔe V to announce
announcer agubáa N announcer
answer back aaʔígubxi V answer back
ant mabúcagariidi N ant
antelope úuwi N antelope
antler aashíita N furry horns, new antlers
anus úushi N anus
appaloosa ibíidibuuxi N appaloosa
apparition maʔishdarúhshgu N apparition
appear adéʔhe V to appear
apple maaʔagubóhorowi N apple
apple juice maaʔagubóhorowi-aruwíri N apple juice
apply body paint ixúawaaraagiguahe V to apply body paint
apply paint íhe V to apply paint
apply pressure nudáadi V to apply pressure with the hand
approach cáhcihee V to approach someone
approve cagíhee V to approve
April Awá Aruʔóoshee Mirísh MISC April
arbor maacáti N arbor
argue mirugéhe N argue, quarrel
argument magiʔáʔaʔigúbxaa V to have an argument
Arikara aragárahu N Arikara
arm áara N arm aatíru N (the) upper arm
armband aatíruga N armband
armpit nóhci N armpit
arrive agihíi V to arrive with group
arrogant maacagíria V to be arrogant maacagíria V to be conceited
arrow idáa N arrow maaʔidáa N arrow
arrow tip idaaʔihbú N arrow tip
arrowhead maaʔíi N arrowhead
arthritis hirúʔaruʔaréʔe N arthritis
arucara oil stove mirá-úuwaca N arucara oil, stove
ash miraʔcibarushibísha N soot [lit: black ashes] mishbá N ash tree
ashamed ihgishíaraci V to be ashamed iihdóo V to be ashamed iihdóo V to be bashful
ashes miráʔaciba N ashes
ask giwahxú V to ask a question
ask for gáari V to ask for something
assemblage giwácihgee N assemblage
assemble makíi V to get together, assemble
Assiniboine hirushíiri N Assiniboine
assistance maaʔarugúxdi N assistance
assume office náhbi V to assume office
astonished maaréexabi V to be amazed, astonished
at ease xirúxidaa V to be at ease
at home adígua PPP at home