MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



at that time shéʔru ADV at that time
attach oogíhdi V to attach
attack ágcixi V to attack
attempt nákuuni V to attempt to do something
August Máagada Aruʔóodi Mirísh MISC August
aunt isháawi N aunt
automotive oil caráaʔagudihgi N oil, thick automotive
autumn madáa N autumn
avoid báhgixi V to avoid núhgici V to avoid
awake iccée V to be awake
away agigaráa V to run away along with a group
awkward xíibi V to be awkward xíibi V to be wrinkled
awl báhaci V to punch a hole with an awl macidó N awl
awning aruʔóogci N awning aruʔóogci N shade
axe míʔibca N axe