MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa to English



ciicgarurúudishMISC thanksgiving
ciicgihdíaN turkey
cíicireʔeV to whisper
cíicirugaN muskrat
cíicirushaN sorrel (horse)
cíicishibishaN blacktail deer, mule deer
cíidaN tail (of animals, not birds)
cíidabaruwiN lynx
cíidabuushiN raccoon
cíidadagiN 1deer (mule deer) 2Virginia deer 3whitetail deer
cíidadgi arudíheeshMISC Killdeer, ND
cíidareexiN horse, gray
cíidihiruN sacrum and caecy (tail bone)
cíishiV to scout
ciishidúN scouting song
ciitácgiN mountain lion
cíiʔde ~ cíidheV to dye yellow
cíiʔriV to be yellow
cíiʔricoogiN flint corn yellow
ciiʔridaaʔiiʔootáV to dye yellow
cíiʔrishehbi1N bay horse 2V to be bay colored
ciiʔrixáxiN pinto (horse)
ciríaV to be cold (of objects or weather)
círiaN buzzing, rattling, tinkling sound
Ciríac.PH it is cold