MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

English to Hidatsa



win núu V to win
wind hucí N wind núwiiri V to wind
wind flow húciʔaruhuudooba N direction, wind flow
window maacáhgi N window meʔihgíiga N window
windpipe áabaci N throat, windpipe nóodishga N windpipe
wine mirihishí N wine
wing ixbá N wing
wing feather ishú N wing feather
wink ishdácuuruhxia V to wink
winter máara N winter
wipe bágishi V to wipe
witch maxubaawía N witch
with a group agí V to be with a group
with another áabi with another
with someone igúba V to be with someone
within awahúga PP within
without end adháhgareesha V to be without end aruʔatáhgareecaa V to be without end
wolf céesha N wolf
wolf fish muacéesha N wolf (a long fish)
woman aruwía N woman gáaru N woman, an old mía N woman míagaasha N young woman
woman's father-in-law aarutáhka N a woman's father-in-law
woman's female friend igóʔoxba N woman's female companion
woman's sister- in -law idúu N husband's sister
woman’s grandmother igúu N woman’s grandmother
women's older sister irúu N women's older sister
wonder maacágiʔagihdia V to be a wonder
wood mirá N wood miracúhga N lumber, boards [lit. flat wood]
wood tick miraʔidapí N tick, a wood
woodpecker dóhshga N woodpecker miraʔaguragadaxi N woodpecker
woodpile miraʔarugáxe N woodpile
woods potato gáagshareʔe N woods potato
wool aashihdíaʔaruʔii N wool
work maahirí V to work
worker ishidáa V to be industrious, a good worker
worm maʔúushidawaabugsha N tape worm
worms midéegi N worms
worn out xúusha V to be worn out
worry maaʔaruʔíxiruxi V worry
worry about íxiruxi V to worry about
wound aruʔuʔu N wound úʔ V to wound
wrap up bóʔoshi V to wrap something up
wrestle magácgi V to wrestle
wrestler aguwagácgi N wrestler
wring núwiiri V to wring
wrinkle up garáhdugaa V to wrinkle up
wrinkled bíria V to be wrinkled iiʔagúuci V to be wrinkled xoʔohi V to be wrinkled
wrist iigúdi N wrist
wrist guard iigúdihshi N wrist guard
write maaʔágagashi V to write something
writhe in pain ibatúgarahgu V to writhe in pain