wet haxíshi V to be wet
what dáaga INT what is it?
What time is it? arudóorush hiʔi PH What time is it?
wheat flour góoxaadiʔiidabaa N wheat flour
wheel maaʔíigaageʔe N wheel
wheeze áabacigooshi V to wheeze
when dúahgarug INT when
where dóo INT where
while maʔaruaruaci ADV once in a great while
whimper gíixi V to whimper
whip nagcúdi V to whip
whirlwind hucíbaruwi N whirlwind
whirring noise birúahge N whirring noise
whiskey miriʔárawi N whiskey
whisper cíicireʔe V to whisper
whistle like the wind húciwaa góoshahiri V to whistle like the wind
white beans awáashaʔadagi N white beans
white buffalo mideedági N buffalo, white
white corn goxáadi N corn, white
white eagle máaʔishu adági N eagle, white
white flint corn adági cóogi N white flint corn
white horse ixóodagi N horse, white
white man mashíi N white man
white oak miragawigaʔádagi N white oak
white of the eyes ishdaruʔixóodagi N the white of the eyes
white owl maahgógxabi N white owl
white person mashíigaadi N American, white
whitetail deer cíidadagi N whitetail deer
whittle hadadahxí V to whittle
who dabée INT who
who is it? dabéeʔ PH who is it?
whole xagaaheeda N all of a whole
whoop nagí V to whoop
whooping cough húageebi N whooping cough
why doohshéewa INT why gugahaa ADV that's why, on account of
wick aruʔáhshu N wick
wide shúhga V to be wide
widen gishúge V to widen
wife-giving ceremony míawaʔíihu N wife-giving ceremony
wife's sister úaga N wife's sister
wiggle gishagáskeʔria V to wiggle
wild awaheeraruhahgu N horse, wild irábareʔe V to be wild
wild mustard maaʔagucíiʔri N wild mustard
wildcat idubáa N wildcat
willing ihírihdi V to be willing
willow miraháci N willow, diamond willow miraháci waʔiihga N rake, willow
wilt gishúgi V to wilt