wag xágahe V to wag
wages máaru N wages
wagon miriigagéʔ N wagon
waist héerabi N middle, waist (the) idaahérabi N waist, his
wait for áaguxdi V to wait for
wait! hagáata PH wait!
wake up iccée V to wake up
walk with small steps aradáhxi V to walk with small steps
walk with strides máacicgadiishe V to walk with strides
wall atéerihga N wall
want maʔíihee V to want something
wapiti maaróoga N wapiti
war bonnet maaʔishuʔapúhga N war bonnet
war club mirabáruwi N war club
war party maceeríiri N war party
warm up xawíhee V to warm something up
wash out miriʔaruʔuashbe N wash out
washout miri aruʔúashbhe N washout miriʔaruʔúashbi N ditch (washout)
wasp gúuwixi N wasp
watch géeshe V to watch
watch out! nírahca PH watch out!
water mirí N water miriʔaruráhxishi N waves (water)
water monster mirigudáa N water monster
water pump miriʔiipi N a water pump
water snake íirooshi N water snake
water turtle madáxi N water turtle
water willow maxúhxisha N water willow
Water-mover-clan miribáadi N Water-mover-clan
waterfall miriʔarugicíxi N waterfall
watermelon caháa-arurúudi N watermelon
watery miríca V to be watery
Watford City abaʔaruʔúʔsh N Watford City
waves miriʔaruráhxishi N waves (water)
way gúhda PPP that way
we studied it gigúucgaara V we studied it
weak xásha V to be weak
weather arée V to be warm (weather) ciría V to be cold (of objects or weather) giʔarée V get warm (of weather) maabicagí N good weather maabíʔishia N bad weather
weave nashkí V to weave
weaving loom maaʔiirashki N loom (for weaving)
Wednesday maabiʔiráawi MISC Wednesday
weeds maaʔabáari N weeds maʔabáarirushiibi N weedy garden
week máabixuba N week
weigh iiragcíahee V to weigh
well cagíhaa ADV carefully, well, fine, correctly cagihaaháhgu V to be well gishí V to heal, to get well miriʔarurúhci N a well (n)
well-lit awáxaadigadi V to be bright, well-lit awáxaadigadi V well-lit
west bahcihdáa PPP west